There is something so special about those first few days in hospital with your new baby. Time seems to stand still. It feels like it's just you and them; the 'newborn bubble'. You start to get to know the baby you have been growing for 9 months and they begin learning about their new world. If it's your first, then you likely feel like a fish out of water, second guessing everything you're doing, wondering if it's the 'right' way. But also, you have never felt a love like this before. Like your heart now lives on the outside and your instinct to protect this little person in your arms is one of the strongest forces you've ever felt through your body.

To be invited into this space, to witness this magical time full of raw and real emotions, is truly gratifying and a reminder of why I love photography.

I was honoured to be able to document baby Spencer on his third day in this world, whilst still in hospital. Then again just one week later at his new home for a lifestyle session. Below are some of my favourite images from both of these sessions.

At home sessions not only allow you to be relaxed and comfortable, but also capture the places that will become meaningful to you; the nursery where you spent countless nights rocking them as they cried in your arms, the living room where they learnt to crawl, the kitchen where you held your baby in one arm whilst you cooked dinner with the other.

For the Glennie Family, we shot in Spencers nursery, the living room, the master bedroom as well as out the front of the house. Your home doesn't need to be beautifully styled or immaculately clean for an in-home session, what matters is the memories that will be made within these walls. My hope is that when you look back on your photos, you are transported back to those moments in time and can forever relish the love of your family; your home.